A Year as SIGHPC Chair
This summer marks the end of my first full year as SIGHPC Chair. SIGHPC is ACM’s Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing. SIGHPC, has the following mission:
SIGHPC’s mission is to promote the advancement of the field of High Performance Computing by:
- disseminating research and experience by those using computing resources to tackle the most challenging scientific and technical problems of the day;
- promoting the mentoring and education of the next generation of HPC professionals; and
- serving as a source of information about the field to other parts of ACM and the larger scientific community.
I first became involved in SIGHPC in 2017 as the Membership Coordinator, was elected Treasurer in 2019 and then Chair of the organization in 2022! ACM/SIGHPC is one of the sponsors of the annual SC Conference as well as a partial sponsor for PASC, PEARC, and PPoPP. SIGHPC also sponsors a fellowship program, provides awards (dissertationand emerging woman leader), and travel grants to attend conferences. It has been facinating getting to know the organization and to learn more about the value and perspective of professional societies in the realm of HPC.
For me the absolute highlight of this role has been meeting our award winners, travel grant, winners, HPCI participants, and fellows at the annual SC Conference. Below are a few photos highlighting meetings and engagements with our special SIGHPC guests at SC22.