Year 3 as SIGHPC Chair
My third full year as SIGHPC Chair will wrap-up in June of 2025. Since we’ve had some exciting changes this year, I wanted to get a post out early and will update as the ongoing ACM FY evolves. For anyone unfamiliar with SIHGPC, it is ACM’s Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing.
SIGHPC’s mission is to promote the advancement of the field of High Performance Computing by:
- disseminating research and experience by those using computing resources to tackle the most challenging scientific and technical problems of the day;
- promoting the mentoring and education of the next generation of HPC professionals; and
- serving as a source of information about the field to other parts of ACM and the larger scientific community.
ACM/SIGHPC co-sponsors conferences including:
Additionally, we sponsor a fellowship program, provides awards (dissertationand emerging woman leader), and travel grants to attend conferences.
The Past Year for SIGHPC (July 2024-June 2025)
The past year for SIGHPC has brought a lot of exciting changes as well as continuations of our great work. A few of my highlights include:
- Extending the SIGHPC Fellowship Program for another year an honoring two additional awardees at SC24.
- Continuing the HPC Immersion Program through SC24.
- Honoring the Dissertation, EWLTC, and Education Award winners at SC24.
- Continuing the PASC ACM Student Research Competition and SC ACM Student Research Competition.
- Continuing the HPC Immersion Program through SC24.
- Sponsoring the CRA-WP program in Denver, CO.
- Meeting our awardees in-person at SC24 and engaging with everyone during networking sessions to get our student and awardee groups to connect.
- Hosting BoFs at SC on the benefits of our professional communities.