SIGHPC Election
SIGHPC Chair 2025-2028
Candidate Statement
It is both an honor and a privilege to be considered for a second term as your SIGHPC Chair. SIGHPC is a cornerstone of the HPC community, and I appreciate this incredible opportunity.
Since 2017, I have served the SIGHPC community in roles including membership coordinator, Treasurer, and Chair. In these positions, I have worked with the SIG’s Executive Committee to develop and fund our fellowship program, create the disertation award, expand travel grant programs, transition the EWLTC award to be awarded annually, improve active engagements with conferences, and add two sponsored conferences to our portfolio. I personally drove the founding of the HPC Immersion Program, the addition of the PASC ACM SRC, and multiple community-building events at SC.
With my extensive volunteer experience with the SIGHPC community and professional experience in both government and industry, I bring a broad perspective and deep motivation to this role. I plan to expand our reach into the community over the next three years with the addition of a formal mentoring program and the continued development of programs that benefit all members, from students to late-career professionals.
Blogs on my SIGHPC Experience
- A Year as SIGHPC Chair (2022-2023)
- Year 2 as SIGHPC Chair (2023-2024)
- Year 3 as SIGHPC Chair (2024-Present)